listing design

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by oteenc, Dec 8, 2008.

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  1. oteenc Customer

    Can you change the design layout of the listing area. I am building a site of used autos and would like to list the equipment in the listing, such as year, make, model, motor, color, a/c, mileage, options listed etc. Can and where can this be done. I have looked at some of the sites on the testimonal page however you have change it and left off the sites listing. Thanks for any help you can give. I am using hosted v4
  2. Mike-N-Tosh Owner

    To change the ad view layout you need to edit the viewlisting.tpl or viewlisting2.tpl file depending on which one you have chosen in the admin.

    No one has changed anyones posting in the testimonials threads.

  3. oteenc Customer


    Several weeks ago several of the testimonials had their sites listed such as boatswapping, a couple of sites for cars listing etc. They are not there now which could be very helpful with some other sites.
  4. seymourjames All Hands On Deck

    It seems to me that what you are trying to do is simply add extrafields. These can be defined in your admin control panel and attached to specific categories.
    In other words different categories can have different extra fields. So motorcycles may have one set of extrafields and cars would have another.

    For example, here we have extrafields set up for the manufacturer, location, year of manufacturer, length and reference number

    Oyster 39 :36

    If you are seeking some custom design in terms of how your data is actually being displayed on the page you could ask somebody to quote you for that.
  5. retrocartrader Customer

    Is it possible to then search by the extra fields? For example, I've just added a 'decades' field to my classifieds site and I would ideally like to include it in 'search.php' under price range so that users can search cars by decade.


  6. Mike-N-Tosh Owner

    The extra fields are searchable if you choose them to be when you set up the extra field. When a user in the search, once a category is selected then the extra fields will show for that category for search.

    P.S. You may have been looking at the "Site Critiques" where people do have their site links in the postings.
  7. retrocartrader Customer

    Okay but can you create new search fields? For example I would like users to be able to perform a search by the decade a car was manufacturered without actually choosing a category - so in the same way the location searches work...
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