Disable 'Modify an Ad'

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by 0273302733, Sep 25, 2008.

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  1. 0273302733 Customer

    v4 developer.
    I need to disable the 'Modify an Ad' feature and can't find it in any of the Admin settings. Is there a way without removing a shedload of code from the 'usermodifylistings' files etc. ?
  2. Lhotch curmudgeon

    Just remove the links to it.
  3. 0273302733 Customer

    Of course!

    Yeah, simple really. Dunno what's wrong with me. Since I came back from my hols I seem to have trouble focusing! ( my mind, that is ).
  4. Lhotch curmudgeon

    And just in case someone gets creative, you could also change the admin setting so if an ad is modified its status changes.
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