The Administration Control Panel is where you as the site administrator control all aspects of your classifieds web site. This area is what allows you to take advantage of the many features and functions that 68 Classifieds offers. The administration area also serves as a message center of sorts too. It will show you the latest News announcements from 68 Classifieds and show you the latest 3rd party products offered on
You will, of course, need to login to your administration control panel using the username and password that you setup during the installation of 68 Classifieds. Once you're logged in, you will see your logged in name at the top right hand corner of the browser window. There are also additional text links beside your username, “logout”, “help” (which brings you to the online documentation) and “view site” (opens your site in a new browser window for the 'front end').
The administration area is divided into several areas and you use the top navigation area (tabs), to access those areas. The top line of the navigation (in Gray) are for the main areas and will not link to another page. When you click on one of these links, it will change the second line, subnav (in light blue). The subnav links will take you to the specific area of the administration.