====== License Key FAQ ======
This page lists tips and tricks for working with your license key.
===== How do I change my license key? =====
If you purchase an upgrade or another version and need to change your license key then you would need to open the file:
Connections/classifieds.php and modify the portion that looks like this:
define("LICENSEKEY", "your-key-here");
Replace your-key-here with your new license key.
**Please Note:** The connections/classifieds.php file contains your database connection values so download the one from the server before making this change.
===== License Key Error =====
I am getting the error "Host name does not match key file" what do I do?
* The first step is to visit our [[http://www.68classifieds.com/customers/|customer area]] and check that the domain entered is the one for the domain the script is running on.
* Delete the file license/key.php and try to visit the administration again.
* If none of the above work please contact our [[http://www.68classifieds.com/customers/ticket/|help desk]].