====== Regional Settings ====== The regional settings page allows you to edit all of the regional or local settings. This includes: = Site Language : This is the language the frontend will appear in. Please see [[development:language | Language Files]] section for more details on creating a new language file. = Administration Language : This is the language the administration will appear in. Please see [[development:language | Language Files]] section for more details on creating a new language file. = Date Format : Format for the date that the users will see. This feature uses PHP's date function and you can get more information from [[http://us2.php.net/strftime|here]]. = Administration Date Format : Format for the date that the administrators will see. This feature uses PHP's date function and you can get more information from [[http://us2.php.net/strftime|here]]. = Currency Symbol : This is the currency symbol you wish to use. Default is $ or the US money format. = Currency Decimal : This is what you use for the decimal symbol. In the US it is a period where other countries use a comma. = Currency Places : This is the number of decimal places. = Thousands Separator : This is the symbol you use in the thousands place. In the US we use a comma and some other countries use decimals. = Currency Symbol comes before the numbers : Should the currency symbol come before the numbers or after. If yes it comes before. If no it comes after.